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Home / Services / HeartStrength Training Class

HeartStrength Training Class

HeartStrength, our Cardio and Strength Training Class, is suited for individuals with cardiac disease, post cardiac surgery, COPD/Emphysema and chronic diseases such as Diabetes and Stroke, and who will benefit from a regular exercise program in a supervised setting.  Under the supervision of a trained physiotherapist, the classes include cardiovascular monitoring to ensure everyone’s safety.  Classes are currently suspended due to COVID-19 until further notice.

Your exercise program will include aerobic training at an appropriate intensity level (recumbent bike, treadmills and Nu-step), flexibility, strengthening and balance exercises with access to adaptive equipment as needed. This program is geared to individuals who will benefit from a higher level of supervision and support due to prior lower activity levels or dealing with multiple chronic diseases.  

This program will include disease management education components and regular progression following both cardiac and respiratory rehab best practice guidelines for aerobic and strength training.

Goals of this exercise program are individualized but include improving your exercise tolerance, muscle strength and stamina, reducing your shortness of breath and improving your ability to function in your daily life. Group size is kept small (4-5 people) to allow more time to focus on individual goals and support.

An individual initial assessment is completed by a physiotherapist to ensure this is the right program for you.  Once established that this program will meet your needs, the physiotherapist will use the information gathered from your assessment to design an exercise program to help you achieve your goals and improve your understanding of how to manage your disease. The program is run by a registered physiotherapist and COPD Educator with assistance from a rehabilitation assistant as needed.

Class Schedule

Classes are suspended due to Covid-19 until further notice.  Please call our office for further information, or to submit your name to be contacted when classes resume.

All images property of Action Potential Rehabilitation and are not to be used or distributed without permission.

This website provides general information about our services and conditions treated. It is not intended to be used for self-assessment or treatment, and is not a substitute for an individualized treatment plan developed by a registered physiotherapist.

By the Action Potential Rehabilitation Staff

Page last reviewed: June 2, 2023


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