613-680-6400 [email protected]

After a catastrophic car accident in early 2020, when I suffered a severe spinal injury and had lifesaving surgery, my rehabilitation efforts at the Ottawa Hospital were interrupted by COVID. Those lock down days were very difficult for me, because although my family was very caring, I was experiencing physical and financial difficulties and confusion, all of which were exacerbated by a profound lack of financial support and institutional backup. When support eventually came, I was able to engage the physiotherapy team at Action Potential Rehabilitation, and there was a night and day difference.  APR brought sunshine back into my life. Since April 2021, I have learned techniques for standing and sitting, can walk up and down stairs, gained control of my weight and digestive system, and established a successful exercise regimen that allows me to navigate my days.  I can swim, golf, pedal a recumbent bike, sail, get in and out of vehicles and drive independently. I am looking forward to scuba diving. The ‘one step at a time’ thinking helped, as did the physiotherapy program provided by APR.  I credit the staff at APR, who have been consistently welcoming and supportive, as well as the other professionals who make up my team, and have been part of my journey thus far.  I LOVE LIFE. I love life since my accident, and I recognise and appreciate all the work I have done, the people I have met and the support I have received from APR, and I really appreciate the important things. It’s only year 2 – just imagine what other gains I have ahead of me!  Action Potential Rehabilitation can help you, just like they helped me.