613-680-6400 [email protected]

As with adults, a stroke occurs when blood flow to an area of the brain is blocked or interrupted, either by a blood clot or a broken blood vessel. This can occur in infancy for several reasons, and accurate diagnosis of stroke in children can be delayed or even missed, due to lack of awareness of neonatal or childhood stroke. Symptoms of an infantile stroke include observing your child using one arm, hand or leg much more than the other, and stiffness / tightness in one hand, arm and/or leg on the same side. Early recognition and treatment of paediatric stroke is critical in optimizing long-term functional outcomes, and physiotherapy is an important component of treatment to enable a child to reach his or her full potential. Action Potential Rehabilitation’s paediatric physio team has extensive experience treating infants, children and youth of all ages. Supporting your family while your child works toward their goals is a top priority for us, and we will provide you and your child with the highest level of care. Treatment may be offered in our clinic, your home, or via Tele-Rehab, depending on your and your child’s needs.